About us
The Founder of BE GAIA
Hi, I am Juliana. I am the founder of BE GAIA. I am an environmental scientist, passionate about sustainability and conservation, and a strong believer that if we want change, we have to make it happen ♡ ♡ ♡
I began my eco-friendly journey when I started to reflect about many environmental and global issues, and what I could do as an individual to contribute to real changes that would lead to a more sustainable life. I started by changing simple things, like taking my own bags to do my grocery shopping, and avoiding consuming items that would have plastic in their packaging. Little by little, I have been able to make wiser choices that can contribute to a balanced relationship with our environment.
The whole process started to become very natural to me, and I started to share my views and ideas with family and friends. The more I shared, the more I realized that many other people also care about nature and sustainability, and wish to live in a more eco-friendly way too. However, they would always share with me that they did not know how to start and what to do. That is why I decided to start BE GAIA; so that more and more people could have the same opportunity to start their own eco-friendly journey.
BE GAIA was born from my strong connection to nature and my passion to live in harmony with our planet. The main purpose of BE GAIA is to encourage more people to feel a very strong sense of belonging to nature, as well as understanding that nature is part of us. I believe this awareness can influence people to be willing to live a more sustainable life.
I am sure you might have heard about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that were set up in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly. The SDGs are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. SDG #12 is all about Responsible Consumption and Production, and I believe that as consumers we can directly and strongly influence the achievement of SDG #12. And it was also thinking about this particular SDG that I decided to create BE GAIA.
It might seem a bit of a hard task, but I truly believe that if more and more people - within their own individualities - start choosing to consume products that are less harmful to us and our environment, we can contribute to minimizing the use of natural resources and toxic materials, as well as reducing the generation of waste and emissions of pollutants. By choosing eco-friendly products over those which are still using single use plastic or nasty chemicals, for example, it is possible to respond to our basic needs and bring a better quality of life to us, while not jeopardizing the need of the future generations ♡ ♡ ♡
The Name BE GAIA
The name comes from the Gaia Principle, which says that our planet and all forms of life in it are continually interacting, and these interactions are constantly changing and shaping our global environment. We can say that the combination of our planet Earth, all living beings and their interactions form a huge but single entity called Gaia.
I find this principle very empowering, as it really tells us that we are part of GAIA and because of that we absolutely can contribute positively to a better and balanced relationship between us and our planet.
The name BE GAIA is an invitation to all of us to really feel that we all are Gaia. And my wish, as the founder of BE GAIA, is that this sense of belonging can encourage more and more people to care for one another and our environment, by choosing to live a more sustainable life.
When I started thinking about the logo, I wanted it to be something very minimalistic. Minimalism and sustainability can go hand on hand. That’s because minimalism seeks to reduce the consumption of things we don’t really need, which in turn would reduce the consumption of natural resources as whole. BE GAIA logo is simple and minimalistic for that reason.
BE GAIA logo has 3 main elements:
BE GAIA initials - representing our name;
The circle - representing our planet and the infinite cycles of interactions between us and the Earth;
The wavy shape of the initials - representing my greatest passion in life, the ocean.
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Now that you know a little bit more about me and BE GAIA, I hope you can feel connected to us and to everything that is around you. And I hope that this connection encourages you to wish, from the very bottom of your heart, to be part of our eco tribe and be the change our planet so much needs.
Much love,